«Super transistor» or the darlington transistor

Hi my comrades, this time I will tell you about darlington transistors. The Darlington transistor is a very interesting schematic solution. Thanks to these transistors, you can build sensitive or energy-consuming devices.

The Darlington Transistor named after its inventor, Sidney Darlington is a special arrangement of two standard NPN or PNP bipolar junction transistors (BJT) connected together. The Emitter of one transistor is connected to the Base of the other to produce a more sensitive transistor with a much larger current gain being useful in applications where current amplification or switching is required. The darlington transistor is a compound structure of a particular design made by two bipolar transistors connected in such a way that the current amplified by the first transistor is amplified further by the second one, This configuration gives a much higher current gain than each transistor taken separately.

The advantages of darlington transistors from simple bipolar transistors:

1)Large current gain;

2)High sensitivity;

3)Low voltage unlocking transistor (0.2V … 0.4 V);

4)High current transmit power.

In this video you can learn more about the principle of the darlington transistor

Source: go-radio.ru/coctavnoy-transistor.html

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